UPDATE: Class #2 scheduled for May 12th, has been canceled. Joan Blackwell is contacting the students registered to reschedule the missed class.

Joan Blackwell will lead a 2-session class on the art of collage. The classes will be held May 5th and May 12th from 6-8PM at the Guild House. Class will be limited to 6, so early registration is recommended. Once the class is filled a Waitlist will be created for any students who register online and are notified that they have a backorder place.
NOTE: A separate registration is required for each student, to ensure that the instructor has current contact information for everyone.
Click here to register for the classes.

Collage may be simply defined as artwork that is composed of a variety of materials, often involves attaching found objects, cloth, or paper torn or cut from ephemerae such as manuscripts, newspapers, magazines, even photos, to a canvas or board in an artful composition.
Joan has provided some materials for her students.
- Collage/Photomontage Composition Art Workshop
- Creating Collage Art Work
- Meet the Artist: Joan C. Blackwell
The All Cut-Up Exhibition is scheduled for June 9, 2022, devoted to the art of collage. Look forward to the prospectus for the All Cut-Up exhibition early in May. Students from Joan Blackwell’s All Cut-up classes are invited to participate in the exhibition.