Exhibit Summary: SHAPE MAKER AND ENTERTAINER focuses on the FACT nothing observed has lines around it or within it. Everything is perceived by overlapping objects and directional surfaces that have highlights and shadows.
Artists truly “came out of the dark” in the Renaissance and began pictorial representation in terms of light and shade. There was even a word for it: chiaroscuro, chiaro meaning light and oscuro meaning darkness. Artists also recognize that we can draw an object by drawing the space around that object. Thus, we became even more skilled at creating shapes without being dependent on non-existing lines around and within the object being portrayed. We became shape makers.
Our exhibition SHAPE MAKERS AND ENTERTAINER is seeking two and three-dimensional expression that gives emphasis to shapes NOT lines. We do also recognize the role of color both warm and cool as well as pattern that can be used to create shapes and entertain the viewer.
Submission Requirements: Artists are invited to submit a maximum of two works using these guidelines. Work cannot weigh more than 50 lbs. and cannot be more than 5 feet in any direction. Two-dimensional work must have adequate hanging devices and 3-D work must have its own support. Entries must be original and cannot have been exhibited at RAG previously. Photography, photo montage and collage are welcome.
Fee: RAG members, $20. Nonmember, $55 to cover membership.
Awards: $200 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, and $50 for highest popularity vote.
Important Dates
- Submissions Due: June 6, 2022, Entries are due and received at RAG (109 W 9th St., Lumberton), between 9:00-11:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM.
- Opening Reception: June 9, 2022, 6pm to 8pm
- Exhibit Ends: August 12, 2022
Presented by Nila Chamberlain