Author: Carole Blaney
I moved to Lumberton in 2018 from Cedarburg, WI, after I retired. Once settled in my home in Lumberton I joined the Watercolor Society of North Carolina in 2019. I rejoined Roarty and enjoyed meeting some of the wonderful people of Robeson County soon after, but Covid closed in, leading to a very quiet period. During that quiet period I found solace online, and in my new studio at home, spending more time than I had for years on my watercolor and truly discovering YouTube and the many excellent artistic groups online. I didn't discover and join the Robeson Art Guild until 2021. With the encouragement of new friends, including Nila Chamberlain and Jim Tripp, I have exhibited a number of paintings locally and in Moore County. The Robeson Art Guild is now a major part of my life. I love meeting and interacting with the many artists and art supporters in our community and look forward to helping the future growth of the Robeson Art Guild and Lumberton, and al the wonderful people who have welcomed me to the community.