When can buyers pick up their artwork from the Members Holiday Choice Exhibition?
Yes, you’re right, normally a piece entered into an exhibition has to stay on display for the full run. And you are all also right that this show is different! So, bowing to wiser heads, we have changed the prospectus so that those special gifts can be picked up in time for Christmas on Thursday, December 19.

We won’t be wrapping them, though. At least as of now…
The Guild will be open from 11 am to 4 pm as usual to give everyone a chance to vote for their favorites in the Members Holiday Choice exhibition and to get their remaining gifts from the Holiday Marketplace.
You could also pick up your special buys after the Members Meeting that evening – and help honor the winners while you are there – and help some other good news!
We will reopen the Guild House at 6 pm on Thursday, December 19 for the Last Quarterly Members Meeting for 2024. Plan to come and help celebrate the winners from the viewers votes! By then I’m sure we will all be ready to just enjoy the evening and the season and look forward to the coming New Year!