Exhibit Title: FINDERS, KEEPERS – A nod to the opportunities that collectors have to find much loved treasures at reasonable prices and support local artists.
Exhibit Summary:
The Robeson Art Guild (RAG) invites entries for FINDERS, KEEPERS. Entries can be any two- or three-dimensional work completed during the last two years that has not been exhibited at RAG previously. This is an opportunity for exhibition and sales by our artists and an opportunity for collectors to find treasures at excellent prices. For this sale there will be NO commissions charged by the Guild for FINDERS, KEEPERS artworks sold during the run of the exhibit, nor are there any additional fees for inclusion in the online auction. This exhibition is non-juried; no awards will be made.
An added benefit for artists and collectors is that all work will be photographed and available for bidding in an online auction running throughout the Exhibition. We are working with BetterWorld.org again to ensure that bidders are able to view the exhibit artworks for sale and can place their bids online securely. Artists need to provide the estimated Fair Market Value of each piece submitted and set a starting bid under $350 for each to encourage bidding. Artists and all RAG members will be provided with the online gallery link to share with friends and patrons to help get the word out and make this a successful event!
Viewing and bidding can also be done on site at RAG at the Opening Reception on Thursday, August 18, or by appointment. Call to schedule viewing and bidding appointments or contact us by email at info@robesonartguild.org.
Submission Requirements: Artists are invited to submit a maximum of two works using these guidelines:
- Work cannot weigh more than 50 lbs. and cannot be more than 5 feet in any direction.
- Each 2-dimensional work must have adequate hanging devices.
- 3-D work must have its own support.
- Entries must be original, created within the past 2 years, and cannot have been exhibited at RAG previously.
- Artists must specify a minimum opening bid under $350 and the estimated Fair Market Value for each piece submitted.
- All media, including photography, photo montage and collage, are welcome.
- All works submitted must be for sale.
Fees: RAG members, $10 per piece; Non-member, $20 per piece
Important Dates:
- Submissions Due: Monday, August 15, 2022. Entries are due and received at RAG (109 W 9th St., Lumberton), between 9:00-11:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM.
- Opening Reception: Thursday, August 18, 2022, 6pm to 8pm
- Exhibit Ends: Friday, October 14, 2022
- Art Removal: Art must remain on exhibit through the run of the Exhibition. The date for art removal is Friday, October 14 between 10am and 12pm at RAG (109 W 9th St., Lumberton), or by appointment.
LIABILITY: All reasonable care will be given in the handling and display of the artwork accepted for the Exhibition. All artwork exhibited is insured from time of acceptance until the Exhibition closes and the window for removal by the artists expires. RAG staff, sponsors, and/or volunteers assume no responsibility for loss of or damage to artwork.
RIGHTS & CONDITIONS: The artist grants RAG permission to photograph and reproduce any art for publicity and educational purposes. RAG reserves the right to refuse, remove or reject any art. Guidelines are subject to change at any time. Entry of art constitutes agreement with RAG exhibition conditions.
Contact Information: Phone: 910-816-7481 Email: info@robesonartguild.org