I’m sorry to say, but although it doesn’t look too bad right now, the weather this evening may be quite bad, with heavy rain and possibly dangerous winds. Therefore, we have decided to cancel tonight’s opening reception for the Fall Into Winter Exhibition and have it in October instead.
We are really disappointed! There are some lovely paintings in the new exhibition. We’ll be positing the winners later today, after we have the chance to let them know – no need or point in making great artists wait for good news! One bright spark from the delay, you will also be able to see the next Featured Artist display by then. We had to delay that due to the construction in process. Something else to look forward to – never a bad thing!
Almost forgot! We are so sorry we also can’t show off the progress on the bathroom remodel, at least not unless you stop by during the day, that is! Steve Kinlaw and his team have been really pushing to have the new nearly ready, bathroom spruced up to show you tonight, but it does not make good sense to have people traveling to or from right when bad weather is expected.
Here are the progress pictures – nearly done! Such a massive improvement over the old facility! Won’t be long now until we are talking decor!