It’s cold here in Lumberton, North Carolina, and we have over 3 inches of snow. No way should we be driving, any of us! Stay home and be safe. (And to all my Wisconsin and Alaska friends: Yes, I am now officially a wimp.)
I am very sorry, though, about the painting group this week. Let’s plan to get together next Wednesday afternoon, 2 pm to 4 pm. By the way, if you haven’t heard about it, it’s a very informal group, no sign up needed and no charge. Just stop by and bring a project to work on. If you haven’t got something you can bring we may be able help. We’d love to see you!
Important Note! Mark your calendars now for upcoming Quarterly Members Meetings in 2025, each on the 3rd Thursday of the ending month each quarter: March 20, June 19, September 18, and December 18, 2025. Plan to attend, learn what is happening and planned, and speak up with your ideas!